Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 4, 2015 - No Original Bible

I haven't made a post for awhile because we have been focusing on Hebrew grammar, which is important to be able to translate. But today had some doctrinal significance worth writing about...

  1. Brother Satterfield begins the discussion by saying "I'm not here to teach you grammar - I'm here to teach you doctrine!" (LOVE IT!!)
  2. *There is NO Original Hebrew version of the bible! Consequently, there really is no original bible. Moses received revelations and wrote them down, and these revelations may have been changed slightly until we received the Masoritic Hebrew bible we have today.
    1. This is important. Best translations come from original texts. 
    2. *Even the Doctrine & Covenants written in the early 1800's doesn't have the same meaning we infer today due to changes in language over the years. Therefore, it is wise to consult Webster's Dictionary of 1828, a dictionary written precisely at Joseph Smith's time, and which he is known to have owned. Looking up such words as "Chastise" can reveal a different meaning than we might use today
  3. The ongoing translation of Genesis 22 1-3 deals with Abraham's test. This test is more significant than I realize!

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