Friday, May 8, 2015

5/6 - 5/8 - Spiritual Hardware Store / Slaves / Crossing Over


  1. The Geography of Israel. An 80 mile strip of land strategically placed at the intersection of three continents. This is the promised land for Israelite's for a reason.
  2. Abraham was led there by the Urim and Thummim. His story is very similar to Lehi's story (Book of Mormon), who was also led to a promised land by a curious instrument, the Liahona. The Jaredites also were lead through the wilderness by urim and thummim to a promised land. Bro. Satterfield joked that he would like access to that 'spiritual store' of such curious devices.
  3. He suggested our current technological devices are similar to Urim and Thummim's, and are in a way, actually preparing us for the day when we will learn through these curious instruments.
  4. The Abrahamic Covenant is to prepare the world for the Millenium (Something that has coincidentally been on my mind a great deal. See blog post). The Lord has been preparing us for the 'knowledge of all things', line upon line, precept upon precept.
  5. The Lord work's through societal culture to bring about his purposes: Evidence of this is found in the Savior's words: Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts gave this law (that a bill of divorce must be given. See Matthew 19:8)
  6. New Testament Apostles referred to themselves as "Slaves" (Greek). Old Testament prophets
    referred to their children, 'handmaids', concubines, etc. as "Slaves" (Hebrew). The English word has negative overtones but did not exist in old times. Mary (Jesus' mother), when she spoke to the Angel Gabriel said "Behold thy Slave"... NOT "Behold thy handmaid". 
  7. We were born into this world as 'slaves' to the devil. Christ came to deliver us from the devil's captivity ("Ye are bought with a price", see 1 Corinthians 7:231 Corinthians 6:20). Which means we then become Christ's slaves, but are then made co-heirs with Christ see Romans 8:17). "I would be a slave to Christ any day. He takes care of his slaves".
  8. Slaves in old days were tatoo'd on their foreheads, and would often say essentially "This is so and so, who belongs to so and so... please return him". Later this was considered a desecration to the body which was considered a temple and tatooing became outlawed. Slaves could ultimately buy their freedom in those days. Interesting that the book of Revelation and D&C refers to those in the last days who have Christ written in their forheads (see Revelation 14:1D&C 133:18), because they are his slaves.
  9. At the LDS Sacrament table, we take our master's name upon us (When done properly, we fully submit to his will, as a slave submits to his master). Through Him we buy our freedom. 


  1. Genesis 12:6 - עֲבֹר (Aber) means to "pass through" or "cross over". It is the same word used for sin/transgression.
  2. Two types of crossing over: Exodus 34 refers to the forgiveness of iniquities of the Israelite's (who had 'crossed over', or sinned). 
  3. There is also the sin against the moral law of the world, or the Light of Christ within all of us. One is SIN, the other is TRANSGRESSION. (I missed which was which)

1 comment:

  1. "He suggested our current technological devices are similar to Urim and Thummim's, and are in a way, actually preparing us for the day when we will learn through these curious instruments."

    I have had this thought many times. I feel like a smartphone is just a poor, dumbed down version of a Urim and Thummin, or the white stone.

    I specifically remember that in this world, to make lots and lots of money, all you have to do is find an eternal principle and exploit it. Why are we so drawn to cell phones? Well, why will we be given a white stone to behold all things past, present, and future? Apparently that is the way of eternity. Android and Apple sure make a killing off our need for access to information.
